Sunday, July 19, 2009

Finally started a blog

I have been parenting now for over three years. I have been encouraged by several friends to start a blog, but I never quite made the decision to do it, until now, somewhat on a whim.

I read only a few parenting books, as I really do believe we are our own experts in parenting. Connecting with my daughter, throughout the day has been my biggest goal. I am a big believer in closeness and listening and play with my daughter. I loved the book Hold On to Your Kids by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate. And Playful Parenting by Lawrence Cohen, PhD. I also love the online journal Our Children, Ourselves, by Pamela Haines, and the online parenting resource Hand in Hand Parenting.

My daughter is only three, but I do plan on homeschooling her, to be able to make the most out of our time together during her childhood years. Our days are spent playing, listening, working and growing. In essence, we teach each other, and learn together how to make the most out of life.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Harmony Grace!

    It is good to 'see' your voice getting out there. I expect that the more you write, the more insight you will have and be able to share with others.

    -from one papa to a another mama
